Dr Marc Dweck

DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center Grand Rounds - Grand Rounds: Dr. Marc Dweck 10/27/2022

Mark Dweck

British Heart Foundation - Research, identifying patients with high heart attack risk

5th Annual TMII Symposium - 2015 - Session III - Cardiovascular Imaging

ESC TV at EEI 2018 - What's new about imaging in coronary artery disease?

TCT 24: The EVOLVED Trial

ESC TV at EEI 2017 - New EACVI recommendation papers - Restrictive cardiomyopathy

6 Steps to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence | Ramona Hacker | TEDxTUM

12.08.22 Grand Rounds: Is There Life After Aortic Stenosis?: Grand Rounds: Is There Life After Ao...

British Heart Foundation Annual Conference 2021

1.26.23 Grand Rounds: TAVR and the Lifetime Management of Aortic Stenosis: TAVR and the Lifetime ...

Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness | TED

Return to Play for the Athlete with Cardiac Disease

10-year outcomes from the SCOT- HEART--Lancet

Aortic Stenosis : Fifty Shades of Grey

The Growth Mindset | Carol Dweck | Talks at Google

Recent Advancements in Cardiac CT for CAD Evaluation (Jonathon Leipsic, MD) December 9, 2021

Why You Struggle with Trust Issues: Here's How to Overcome Them

EACVI free webinar: How to use imaging for transcatheter interventions? (II)

Disentangling the Links Between Stress and Cardiovascular Disease (Ahmed Tawakol, MD) May 19, 2022

ACIST U - HDi Plaque Burden Measurement - German

V. Completa. 'Es importante que nuestros hijos aprendan con mentalidad de crecimiento”. Carol Dweck

@MonteHeart Cardiology Grand Rounds

The Latest Science of Growth Mindset with Carol Dweck || The Psychology Podcast